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Common myths debunked

Greetings !! Since y'all loved the myths that i debunked in the previous blog which you all must read.( click here ). Here's one more that will fascinate you a lott!.. Here we go-- 1.Birds will leave there kids if they gets touched by human. Most birds have a poor sense of smell and wouldn't know the difference. So that the mother bird wouldn't know if their baby was touched  by a human anyway. If you find a baby bird on the ground, it is probably learning to fly and shouldn't be touched . It's also not wise to touch baby birds because an angry momiee bird might fly in your face or peck at your head and curse you in bird language😂. Overall, mother birds are much more loyal to their babies than this myth suggests. 2.The great wall of china is visible from the space! The Great Wall of China is  large, nearly 13,171 miles long! . However, it is unable to be seen from space with just the naked eye. On November 24th, 2004, an astronaut named ...

Women empowerment project file

 Hellow my friend!

This is shreya here, trying to help you today with your assignments !.

In this blog I have provided you the handmade practice file on the topic -" women empowerment ".

Women empowerment is one of the most important issue today. As we have seen that the sex ratio of India has improved so significantly (1020 per 1000 men).., emphasis the fact that India is progressing socially and taboos like female mortality are disappearing.In between these , we now need to empower the women force of our country . We need to give them right education, freedom and opportunities to develop . So that they can also live their life with dignity and can add to our economic growth even ! 

The stronger the women !!.the stronger is the society !!

All these reasons led me to really go deep into the conditions of women nowadays and present the actual scenario to the public and hence, I am sharing the report !

Also, This project follows all the important guidelines as stated bye central board of secondary education (CBSE) . 

The project is based on a survey conducted by me in my locality and knowings .some crucial data is also taken from the data issues by GOI .

The link to the practical file is given below(google drive) 👇

google drive-pdf on the project file women empowerment

Also, if you liked it and are a student who gets assignments really often can also have a look at the blog given below....topic- study on Oli and Natural Gas Corporation, a government of India undertaking.

practical file on oil and natural gas corporation ~Shreya b


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