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Common myths debunked

Greetings !! Since y'all loved the myths that i debunked in the previous blog which you all must read.( click here ). Here's one more that will fascinate you a lott!.. Here we go-- 1.Birds will leave there kids if they gets touched by human. Most birds have a poor sense of smell and wouldn't know the difference. So that the mother bird wouldn't know if their baby was touched  by a human anyway. If you find a baby bird on the ground, it is probably learning to fly and shouldn't be touched . It's also not wise to touch baby birds because an angry momiee bird might fly in your face or peck at your head and curse you in bird language😂. Overall, mother birds are much more loyal to their babies than this myth suggests. 2.The great wall of china is visible from the space! The Great Wall of China is  large, nearly 13,171 miles long! . However, it is unable to be seen from space with just the naked eye. On November 24th, 2004, an astronaut named ...


Hii you all
Well ...this is being such a great time in my life that i am getting plenty of time to do all my chores and then pursue my interest too...all thanks to june vacays 😂✌️.
 So today i thought to post a fun and informative blog and that's is 
DEBUNKING ALL THE MYTHS. that we're listening and even following in real life too! .
.       image source: google

So lets get started 👉

1.Myth 1: We Use 10% of our Brains

You've probably heard this  information several times, but constant repetition does not make it any more accurate. 

If the 10% myth were true, brain damage would be far less likely—after all, we would only have to worry about that tiny 10% of our brains being injured.

The fact is that damage to even a small area of the brain can result in profound consequences for both cognition and functioning and hence this myrh is not true!!

 2. Cracking your fingers causes arthritis

To be sure, cracking your fingers is something that everyone do. But the habit itself won’t give you arthritis — at least not according to clinical studies.

Arthritis develops when the cartilage within the joint breaks down and allows the bones to rub together. Your joints are surrounded by a synovial membrane, which contains synovial fluid that lubricates them and prevents them from grinding together.

When you crack your knuckles, you’re pulling your joints apart. This stretch causes an air bubble to form in the fluid, which eventually pops, creating that familiar sound.

Cracking your knuckles isn’t necessarily good for you, though.

While there’s no proven relationship between the habit and arthritis, persistent cracking can wear down your synovial membrane and make it easier for your joints to crack. It can also lead to hand swelling and weaken your grip.

3.Myth:Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day

No need to count cups. Research shows people who gulp a glass of H2O when they’re thirsty get enough to stay healthy and hydrated. Water-rich foods like soup, fruit, and vegetables and drinks like juice, tea, and coffee all help you get your fill. You might need to drink more water if your urine is dark yellow, you don’t go regularly, you're very active, or you live in a hot climate.

4.Myth:- We just have 5 senses

I think we all have studied from our childhood that humans have 5 senses and are carrying this piece of information till now. But this is not correct !!.Humans have a lot more than 20 senses that includes pressure, balance , pain and a lot more !

5. Myth:- Bulls hate red colour.

Nope! Bulls don't actually hate the color red. In fact, they can't even really see the color red. Bulls, like all other cattle, are colorblind to red. So why do they charge at a bullfighter's red cape then?

Bullfighters, known as matadors, use a small red cape, called a muleta, during a bullfight. It appears that bulls get irritated by the cape's movement, not its color.  

6.Myth :- Einstein failed in mathematics

Ok so this is a sure sure no . He did outstandingly well in physics and mathematics, but failed the non-science subjects, doing especially badly in French - so he was not accepted. Actually he was giving an entrance test and failed there .

7. Bananas grow on tress.
You think bananas grow on trees? 
Wrong.they don't because banana tree is actually a plant. It is probably one of the largest plant in the world.

To know more, just look at the. Banana tree. Is it wood ? Obviously no ! There are layers of skin placed in a circle,l. These layers are actually lower parts of leaves. In other words, banana tree is only a clump of leaves.

So here ends my list of myths that used to amuse me a lot at  point of time but now they obviously don't because they were far from reality . 
Ok so here i end my post and will see you after some time.
Thanks for reading😊


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